
St. Bede's Catholic Primary

Mrs Sharp of St. Bede's Church came into school to speak to Key Stage One about the different Books used during Mass, what they mean and what they contain.  Some very mature questions asked also...

Class 5 drawing Daisy The Dove with Mr Sharp as the learn to become Young Peace Makers - January 2025

Black History Month Celebration Assembly 2024

Mr Freeman leads our assembly on the 7 Principles of Catholic Social Teaching - CAFOD

Preparing for World Mission Sunday 2024

Weekly Faith based assemblies for each Key Stage in addition to the Monday morning 'WHOLE SCHOOL" Faith Assembly

Our GIFT leaders representing school at a Faith Day held at St. Bernards

Each Year Group takes part in the Mass explained with Father John.

Our Book of Condolence open to the whole community for Teddy

Selling Poppies for the RBL Annual Poppy Appeal.

Collecting Goods for Rotherham Food Bank at our Harvest Mass

Walking to St. Bede's and reflecting on the teachings of Christ.

Taking gifts to The Children's Ward with funds raised during ABW.

Our annual focus during Anti-Bullying Week to Love, Care & Respect.

Caring for our beautiful world - Runners Up in a UK Film Competition

Working with RUFC to spread joy to our local community at Christmas.

Class 10 re-enacting The Lord's Passion from the view point of Judas.

Tammy from St. Bernard's helps Year 6 transition to St. Bernard's and continue their individual journey in faith at secondary school

Fr John at St. Bede's Church for First Holy Communion 

Mrs Jones continues to support school with her annual Spiritual Poetry Competition and regular assemblies for Mission Together.

Children paid a visit to a Jewish Synagogue in Sheffield as part of their extensive education and understanding into other faiths.

Learning outdoors - Walking & Praying The Stations of The Cross

Our learners exploring their faith and themselves using the very latest technology in the classroom with iPads and Apple Pencils.

One of many spiritual highlights of the academic year is the re-enactment of the Lord's Passion at Easter.

Technology is used widely across the school to allow pupils to express their faith in creative ways.

We are honoured and grateful to have such a supportive Parish Priest in Father John and it is always a delight to welcome our lifelong friend of the school Fr Brebner.

Our children play a pivotal role in the wider St. Bede's community.

Each year our faith ambassadors complete a series of tasks, challenges and faith based learning experiences to qualify for 'Faith in Action' status. 

The Saint's we study as a learning community.

Our beautiful school prayer.

During the Covid Pandemic Mass was still celebrated in school and beamed to each Class bubble via "Zoom" Technology.

GIFT leaders travel to Downing Street as St. Bede's turns 150 yrs old - Celebrating a HUGE milestone of Catholic Education in Rotherham

A long history of faith with our staff.  Mr Sharp at the May Procession in 1979 at St. Bede's Church with Fr Burke

The roles in Church by Class 7

The Pilgrim Calypso - 2025 Jubilee Year

Our School Promises - Brought to Life

Red Unit share their Morning Prayers with us - so beautiful

Religious Education at St. Bede's, planning & delivery...

Collective Worship in LKS2 - Mark's Mission

Saying Goodbye to our dear friend Teddy.

The Passion of Christ by Key Stage 2 - 2024

Gold Standard Parent Charter reaccreditation - 2024

Growing in God day at St. Bernard's for our Year 5

The Last Post by the media Club

Key Stage 2 perform the Lord's Passion.