Catholic Life
Our vision at St Bede's Catholic Primary School is to stand as a beacon of Christian faith and values. We believe in working in partnership with parents and carers, who are ‘the first and foremost educators of our children’, and all the stakeholders in the wider St. Francis CMAT
We believe that in this way we best serve our community in enabling all to both identify and achieve their God-given potential and become the ‘best that they can be’ as individuals, and in their contribution to home, parish, local community and the wider world.
We believe that living our faith and being the best we can be means helping to make our school, parish, local and wider communities the best that they can be, too.
GIFT Leaders
In St Francis, every primary school has a GIFT Team. Our GIFT Team here at St. Bede's has members from every class who are committed to sharing Jesus' love throughout our school. They meet regularly with the RE coordinator to share ideas of how we all can celebrate our faith within our school, our parish and with our friends from across the CMAT. The GIFT team have special badges that they wear everyday in school , so the whole school community knows they are GIFT members.
On Sunday 26th November there was a very special commissioning service led by Bishop Ralph for all the members and their families. We celebrated Christ the King together, and the children received their badges and certificates. We ask that you keep our GIFT Team Members in your prayers as they begin this very important role in our school.